浙江省贸促会官方网站 防疫配件(手套、护目镜、面罩等)-ag人生就是博


特别提醒:本平台提供的防疫产品信息供双方对接洽谈服务。供需双方应依法交易,防范交易风险。如有咨询事项,请及时和我们联系。服务邮箱: ,

in order to facilitate the global epidemic prevention and control work, ccpit zhejiang provincial committee has established an epidemic prevention products exhibition platform on our official website where information of epidemic prevention products that made in zhejiang such as face masks, protective clothing, equipments for temperature measuring, disinfection and sterilization are released. since the information will be updated constantly, we sincerely welcome the overseas purchasers come to our website and place your order if these products are needed by your side.

special reminder: the information on this platform is provided for the facilitation of negotiations between the supply and demand side. please trade legally and be mindful of the potential risks during the transactions. should you have any difficulties or questions, please send the email to and cc to .

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